Overview of Term 3
This term, Shooting Stars will continue to deepen their reading skills of retrieval of key information, and inferences, as well as the valuable skill of explanation - whether it is their views on how and why authors have selected vocabulary and structured their writing in a particular way or their predictions and own opinions about what they have read. Shooting Stars will do this through their reading lessons, whilst reading the fiction text of ‘The London Eye Mystery.’ This text, written by Siobhan Dowd, is a novel that is full of mystery, when a boy named Ted who teams up with his sister to figure out how their cousin disappeared while riding a giant Ferris wheel.
This term, we shall be reading, and basing our writing on the text: ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope’ by Joe Todd-Stanton. As we read this text, Shooting Stars will embark on a journey through the eyes of Arthur as he has a quest to complete. Within the text, we will explore Norse mythology and the power it holds.
In our writing lessons, we will be focusing on developing the skills needed for writing for different purposes and audiences. This term, children in year five will focus using commas to avoid ambiguity, writing with the use of relative clauses, and using semi-colons to link clauses together, whilst writing with a range of conjunctions and being able to use a thesaurus to select ambitious vocabulary to create detailed descriptions within their writing. Moreover, children within year six will continue to develop their use of commas in writing, indicating parenthesis, use of semi colons to separate clauses, exploring verb tenses and using different tenses.
As a class, we will learn and use these skills whilst writing dialogue, planning/writing a narrative and within setting/character descriptions. Shooting stars will consider their audience and how to engage a reader. Dictionaries and thesauruses are vital within our writing lessons and are continuously used. Within spelling it is essential children use strategies efficiently to learn them, as a school, we use the strategy of Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check, which is detailed below. Furthermore, many spelling games and challenges are involved.
Look: first look at the whole word carefully and if there is one part of the word that is difficult, look at that part in more detail.
Say: say the word as you look at it, using different ways of pronouncing it if that will make it more memorable.
Cover: cover the word.
Write: write the word from memory, saying the word as you do so.
Check: Have you got it right? If yes, try writing it again and again! If not, start again – look, say, cover, write, check.
In Shooting Stars this term, we will be learning the following:
Year five pupils will develop and learn new skills through the topics of multiplication and division, whilst using the formal written method to calculate, position and direction of shapes and translation of shapes. They will use their prior knowledge of strategies, written methods, and existing knowledge of coordinates within the topic of translation.
Year six pupils will learn and use new mathematical concepts through the topics of fractions, focusing on calculating using efficient methods. This will include ordering mixed numbers, adding/subtracting mixed numbers, multiplying/dividing fractions and being able to apply this knowledge to problem solving questions.
Our mathematic topics will include varying representations, practical application to understand and explore our mathematical learning, fluency and justifying our knowledge through problem solving. We will have a huge focus on vocabulary and using this to support our ideas in our verbal and written work.
During our maths learning we link our mathematical discussions to real life scenarios, and how we utilise those skills learned in the real world. We also have a daily Maths On Track session to consolidate previous learning, revisit topics and practise our learned skills.
It is massively important that children continue to practice their times tables as this is a key factor in all topics and when problem solving. Children can do this at home through TTrockstars. This term there will be a greater focus on problem solving for Shooting Stars, therefore times table knowledge is vital.
Term three Science brings us the topic of living, growing, and changing, whereby we will be learning and investigating the life cycles of plants, birds, amphibians, and mammals. Shooting Stars will also be able to describe the life process of reproduction in plants and some animals. In addition to this, Shooting Stars will be identifying and describing changes in human development. In groups, we will plan, predict, test, and make conclusions to own investigations. This investigation will allow us to investigate the different ways in which plants reproduce and form our own scientific questions. After, we will evaluate our findings.
Geography. Innsbruck (Alps)
It’s a term of Geography, in which Shooting Stars will learn, research, study and explore the location, climate, environment and the impact of tourism of a region in a European country. Furthermore, Shooting Stars will be able to use a map to locate the Alps along with countries and rivers on a map, whilst comparing mountain ranges and how they form with Mt Snowdon, which has been one of our previous learning topics. Shooting Stars will also continue to build on their understanding/knowledge of human and physical features from last term.
The whole school approach to PSHE will continue to be supported by the Jigsaw Programme of work. This term, unit we will be covering in PSHE is ‘Dreams and Goals’. This unit is about discovering our own dreams and goals, what we can do to reach them, whilst also thinking about how dreams and goals will vary for others and the impact of their environment, and circumstances could have on this. It also encompasses anti-bullying and e-safety sessions. In PSHE everyone is valued, and we learn how to make others feel the same.
Our whole school approach to P.E will be supported by the Get Set 4 PE Programme of work. It provides curriculum-aligned lessons, which support children to learn the skills across various sports and key elements of communication, collaboration, and challenge. This term in P.E, Shooting Stars will be participating in the topic of dance considering dynamics, space, communication, inclusion, respect t and leadership.
All children are expected to participate in P.E and be appropriately dressed in a P.E kit (red top and black shorts). School asks that children to come to school wearing their kit for the day. This is a reminder that children will need to have their hair tied back/up during PE and no earrings or other jewellery is to be worn.
P.E will take place on Thursday morning and Friday afternoon.
Throughout the year, we will be understanding the views and beliefs of many different religions. Shooting Stars this term will learn through the religion of Hinduism and through the question of ‘What spiritual pathways to Moksha are written about in Hindu scriptures? ‘In R.E will learn through exploring, explaining, and evaluating. During R.E we share our views, learning, discoveries, and questions respectfully.
At Luckwell we use Language Angels. In this term’s topic of French, Shooting Stars will discover how to discuss the weather and respond to others appropriately. During this topic Shooting Stars will be able to listen, pronounce and write the various weathers.
Design and Technology
Through our Design and Technology topic this term, Shooting Stars will be investigating an existing product to problem-solve and work out how the product has been constructed. Shooting Stars will consider the purpose of the product, target audience and the circuit components used for the product to move. Our learning will happen through practical and written investigation.
This terms music is focused on the songs: Make You Feel My Love and You’ve Got A Friend. Shooting Stars will discover elements of music (pulse, rhythm, and pitch), singing and playing instruments are all linked. As well as learning to sing, play, improvise, and compose with this song, children will listen and appraise other Pop Ballads.
Additional information:
PE - Thursday morning and Friday afternoon. There will be no swimming this term.
No school bags - only book bags, lunch boxes and water bottles please. Please do not put many keyrings on book bags as these get lost, tangled and children are bringing them into the class to play with. This applies to toys too. Thank you for your understanding.
Forest school – This will not be taking place in term three.
Reading Records to be brought to school. The expectation is that the children read at home at least 4 times per week and record this in their reading record. These will be checked weekly during this term.
I look forward to working with you and your child over the next term to make sure they continue to achieve and reach their full potential! Shooting Stars have continued to work incredibly hard and are truly striving to be the best versions of themselves, couldn’t be prouder of them.
End of Term 2 Summary
What a fabulous term it has been! I want to take the time to say a massive thank you to Shooting Stars for working extremely hard. As a class we have learned about WW2 in History and have even experienced it ourselves! The evacuee day was a memorable one and the children looked fabulous. Furthermore, our super space topic in science has been a true pleasure to teach. Our writing has been full of new punctuation, skills learned and their use of conjunctions to explain further has been terrific! Writing this term has been GOLDEN! Shooting Stars have not stopped in maths! Everything from prime numbers, angles in shapes, long division, addition/subtraction and much more! You should all be extremely proud of yourselves for the effort, determination, and perseverance you have shown this term. I cannot commend you all enough. A huge thank you to our families for your support too. I look forward to another amazing term, and I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy new year.
Overview for Term 2
This term, Shooting Stars will continue to deepen their reading skills of retrieval of key information, and inferences, as well as the valuable skill of explanation - whether it is their views on how and why authors have selected vocabulary and structured their writing in a particular way or their predictions and own opinions about what they have read. Shooting Stars will do this through their reading lessons, whilst reading Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. This is a classic text which explores the themes of fate, society, class, and poverty. Oliver Twist portrays the lives of criminals and exposes the cruel treatment of the many orphans in London.
This term, we shall be reading, and basing our writing on the text: ‘Beowulf’ by Michael Morpurgo, exploring fifth-century Denmark when a murderous monster stalks the night, and only the great prince of the Geats has the strength and courage to defeat him. This is an epic Anglo-Saxon legend full of adventure.
In our writing lessons, we will be focusing on developing the skills needed for writing for different purposes and audiences. This term, children in year five will focus using commas to avoid ambiguity, using new punctuation of semi colons and dashes, whilst also organising paragraphs around themes and being able to use a thesaurus to select ambitious vocabulary to create atmosphere within writing. Moreover, children within year six will continue to develop their use of commas in writing, using hyphens, semi colons and exploring/using different tenses.
As a class, we will learn and use these skills whilst writing diary entries, dialogue, narratives, setting/character descriptions and through writing alternate endings. Shooting stars will consider their audience and how to engage a reader. Dictionaries and thesauruses are vital within our writing lessons and are continuously used.
In Shooting Stars this term, we will be learning the following:
Year five pupils will develop and learn new skills through the topics of addition and subtraction, multiplication, and division (understanding powers of ten) and exploring properties of numbers. Children within year five will use prior mental strategies of calculating used in term one, and formal written methods.
Year six pupils will learn and use new mathematical concepts through the topics of fractions, decimals and percentages, Geometry (angles) Geometry (properties of shapes) and the topic of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, by using our knowledge of times tables and efficient strategies.
Our mathematic topics will include varying representations, practical application to understand and explore our mathematical learning, fluency and justifying our knowledge through problem solving. We will have a huge focus on vocabulary and using this to support our ideas in our verbal and written work.
During our maths learning we link our mathematical discussions to real life scenarios, and how we utilise those skills learned in the real world. We also have a daily Maths On Track session to consolidate previous learning, revisit topics and practise our learned skills. It is massively important that children continue to practice their times tables as this is a key factor in all topics and when problem solving. Children can do this at home through TTrockstars.
Welcome to term two where we are embarking on a journey ‘Out of this World’ in science. Shooting Stars will join the solar system and be able to describe the movement of the Earth and other planets, relative to the sun in the solar system. We will also investigate the movement of the moon, which will in turn support us to explain day and night. Throughout our science topic, Shooting Stars will make observations, ask questions, plan, predict, analysing data and using diagrams. Shooting Stars will also investigate the roles of an astronaut and other aspects of space.
It’s a term of History, in which Shooting Stars will learn, research, study and explore the various aspects of WWII considering the impact it had on many. Shooting Stars’ History question this term will be ‘Was there a Blitz Spirit?’ We will be identifying when World War II started, identify key individuals and countries involved, whilst also looking at the timeline the war, so we are able to write detailed explanations of key events during this period. Shooting Stars will also explore the impact of the war on children, families, men and women and how roles significantly changed for some.
The whole school approach to PSHE will continue to be supported by the Jigsaw Programme of work. This term, unit we will be covering in PSHE is ‘Celebrating Difference’. This unit is concerned with respecting and valuing both similarity and difference, appreciating and celebrating uniqueness. It also encompasses anti-bullying and e-safety sessions. In PSHE everyone is valued, and we learn how to make others feel the same.
Our whole school approach to P.E will be supported by the Get Set 4 PE Programme of work. It provides curriculum-aligned lessons, which support children to learn the skills across various sports and key elements of communication, collaboration, and challenge. This term in P.E, Shooting stars will be swimming on a Tuesday afternoon and participating in the topic of fitness considering height, pace, changeovers, distance, and collaboration through working as a team.
All children are expected to participate in P.E and be appropriately dressed in a P.E kit (red top and black shorts). School asks that children to come to school wearing their kit for the day. This is a reminder that children will need to have their hair tied back/up during PE and no earrings or other jewellery is to be worn.
P.E will take place on Tuesday (swimming) and Thursday afternoons.
Throughout the year, we will be understanding the views and beliefs of many different religions. Both year groups this term will learn about and through the question of ‘What does the Qur’an reveal about Allah and his guidance?’ In R.E will learn through exploring, explaining, and evaluating.
French légumes
This term in Shooting Stars, French will consist of learning how to write and pronounce various vegetables. Shooting Stars will develop their listening of French and recall of key vocabulary too.
Art and Design
This term in art our topic will be ‘I need space’ whereby children will understand and explain what retrofuturism is, participate in discussions and offer ideas, evaluate images using simple responses and sometimes using formal elements to extend ideas. Shooting Stars will also provide plausible suggestions for how a piece was created. Based on the art we explore; Shooting Stars will comfortably be able to use different stimuli to draw from.
Shooting Stars will begin their first unit of computing this term, in which we will be learning to understand computing systems and networks, systems and searching, whilst also being able to create media through video production. Throughout this topic, children will also gain an understanding of online safety and learn through collaboration too.
Additional information:
PE - Tuesday (swimming) and Thursday afternoons.
No school bags - only book bags, lunch boxes and water bottles please. Please do not put many keyrings on book bags as these get lost, tangled and children are bringing them into the class to play with. This applies to toys too. Thank you for your understanding.
Forest school – This will not be taking place in term two.
Reading Records to be brought to school. The expectation is that the children read at home at least 4 times per week and record this in their reading record. These will be checked weekly during this term.
I look forward to working with you and your child over the next term to make sure they continue to achieve and reach their full potential! Shooting Stars worked extremely hard in term one and we really did hit the ground running! I hope to do the same this term, with a hint of Christmas spirit too!
End of Term 1 Summary
Shooting Stars, I would firstly like to say how amazing it is to be teaching most of you again and welcoming brilliant members to our fantastic class. Shooting Stars have worked exceptionally hard this term, which is evident. We have powered through our learning of new punctuation and new mathematic skills with perseverance and determination. Shooting Stars are also more than ready to plan your next trip to New York with all the information they have learned and can discuss! Or a visit to the Grand Canyon if preferred.
Shooting Stars, your hard work doesn't go unnoticed and I am extremely proud of the start you have all made to this academic year. I look forward to the next term full of new learning, determination and resilience to succeed. However, this time we enjoy Christmas music too! Thank you, Shooting Stars.
Overview of Term 1
This term, Shooting Stars will continue to deepen their reading skills of retrieval of key information, and inferences, as well as the valuable skill of explanation - whether it is their views on how and why authors have selected vocabulary and structured their writing in a particular way or their predictions and own opinions about what they have read. Clovers will do this through their writing and reading lessons, while also continuing to read and explore the fiction text of ‘Rose Blanche’ by Christophe Gallaz and Roberto Innocenti. This is a beautifully and carefully written text, which explores the life and views of a young girl living in Germany through the war. We will have an insight into her reactions and what she sees around her. This text will also be referred to in term two as it links to our history learning well.
This term, we shall be reading, and basing our writing on two texts: ‘Young, Gifted and Black’ by Jamia Wilson and ‘The Race to the Frozen North’ by Catherine Johnson. One text will take us on a fabulous journey to meet 52 icons of colour from the past and present in this celebration of inspirational achievement - a collection of stories about change makers to encourage, inspire and empower the next generation of change makers. The other consists of a thrilling fictionalised account of the life of Matthew Henson, the first African-American man to travel to the North Pole, who also features in our text of; Young, gifted and black.”
In our writing lessons, we will be focusing on developing the skills needed for writing for different purposes and audiences. This term children in year five will focus on revisiting the skills of fronted adverbials, with commas and the use of time adverbials too. Furthermore, children within year five will learn the skills of using commas to avoid ambiguity, using a range of adverbials, organising paragraphs around themes and being able to use a thesaurus, when necessary to make improvements to their vocabulary choices. Moreover, children within year six will secure their skills of using commas to avoid ambiguity and commas with relative clauses. They will also learn the new writing skills of using commas for clarity, identifying active and passive voice, using hyphens, and recognising the progressive tense.
As a class, we will learn and use these skills whilst writing diary entries, recounts, and descriptions this term. Shooting stars will consider their audience and how to engage a reader. Dictionaries and thesauruses are vital within our writing lessons and are continuously used.
In Shooting Stars this term, we will be learning the following mathematical topics: Number and Place Value, Decimals, Geometry, whereby year five pupils will focus on Properties of shapes and year six pupils will have a focus on position and direction. Furthermore, year six pupils will also start the learning topic of multiplication and division.
Year five pupils this term in place value will learn how to read, write, and represent 5-digit and 6-digit numbers in various contexts. They will also learn how to represent numbers up to one million and explore negative numbers. In the topic of decimals, pupils will learn how to represent decimal numbers up to three decimal places, order decimal numbers, compare decimals and be able to round them. Within Geometry, year five pupils will explore nets of 3D shapes and identing 3D shapes from their nets.
Pupils within year six will also complete the topic of place value, whereby pupils will learn how to read, write, and represent seven-digit numbers, calculate intervals across zero, order and compare numbers up to ten million and explore negative numbers in context. Within the topic of decimals, pupils will learn how to multiply decimals. Multiplication and division will also be a larger topic throughout term one, with pupils learning how to divide three- and four-digit numbers by two digits using the formal written method. It is now very important that year six pupils continue to consolidate their times tables, multiplication facts and division facts.
Our mathematic topics will include varying representations, practical application to understand and explore our mathematical learning, fluency and justifying our knowledge through problem solving. We will have a huge focus on vocabulary and using this to support our ideas in our verbal and written work. During our maths learning we link our mathematical discussions to real life scenarios, and how we utilise those skills learned in the real world. We also have a daily Maths On Track session to consolidate previous learning, revisit topics and practise our learned skills.
To kick things off in term one, our science topic will be Materials. I can ensure you throughout this topic there will be times where the children will be messy and involved in much practical science learning! We will be exploring various everyday materials, considering their properties, testing the properties, and thinking about how we could organise the materials using Venn diagrams and scientific explanation. Furthermore, Shooting Stars will develop their understanding of solids, liquids and gases and explain reversible and irreversible changes. Throughout our Science topic, Shooting Stars will make
observations, ask questions, plan, predict, test, and make conclusions to own investigations, record and analyse data and diagrams.
It's up to you.... New York, New York! Shooting Stars’ Geography question this term will be ‘What is the difference between New York City and the Grand Canyon?’ We will be exploring New York and the Grand Canyon this term through map reading and locating. Shooting Stars will learn about New York and the Grand Canyon and be able to identify the physical and human Geography of both New York City and the Grand Canyon, whilst considering the similarities and differences. Furthermore, we will explore world biomes, identifying map features, explaining lines of latitude, and exploring the climate of New York City and the Grand Canyon through research, reading graphs, and answering comparative questions.
The whole school approach to PSHE will continue to be supported by the Jigsaw Programme of work. This term we will be focusing on the topic of ‘Being me in my world’’ Within this topic, Shooting Stars will explore ways to handle new challenges positively and know how to set personal goals. As a class, we will also identify hopes for this school year and year six pupils will understand fears and worries that may occur towards the future and know how to express them. In PSHE everyone is valued, and we learn how to make others feel the same.
Our whole school approach to P.E will be supported by the Get Set 4 PE Programme of work. It provides curriculum-aligned lessons, which support children to learn the skills across various sports and key elements of communication, collaboration, and challenge. This term in P.E, Shooting stars will be swimming on a Tuesday afternoon and participating in Net and wall, which will lead us to the outcome of understanding how to play badminton.
All children are expected to participate in P.E and be appropriately dressed in a P.E kit (red top and black shorts). School asks that children to come to school wearing their kit for the day.
P.E will take place on Tuesdays (swimming) and Fridays
Throughout the year, we will be understanding the views and beliefs of many different religions. Both year groups this term will learn about and through the topic of Christianity.
Year 5 - Why is the gospel such good news for Christians?
Year 6 - How do Christians show their belief that Jesus is God incarnate?
French ‘En Classe’
This term in Shooting Stars, French will consist of learning how to write and pronounce various ways of describing items, objects, and actions within the classroom, through listening and being involved in class conversation.
This term in Music, it is all about that Jazz! Shooting Stars will study the history of Jazz, with the learning focus being on two tunes and improvising. Children will get the opportunity to perform, listen and discuss their thoughts on Jazz in its historical context.
Art and Design
From the Ancient Maya to modern-day street art, Shooting Stars will look at how artists convey a message. Exploring imagery, symbols, expressive mark making, and ‘chiaroscuro’ children consider audience and impact to create powerful drawings to make their voices heard.
Design and Technology
In D.T this term, children will focus on and learn all about Mechanical systems. Shooting Stars will have a goal of creating an eco- gadget bike, using gears and pulleys. This will be achievable, through planning, assembling components, selecting appropriate materials, and understanding the mechanical elements.
Additional information:
PE - Tuesday (swimming) and Friday afternoons.
No school bags - only book bags, lunch boxes and water bottles please. Please do not put many keyrings on book bags as these get lost, tangled and children are bringing them into the class to play with. This applies to toys too. Thank you for your understanding.
Forest school – This will not be taking place in term one.
Reading Records to be brought to school. The expectation is that the children read at home at least 4 times per week and record this in their reading record. These will be checked weekly during this term.
I look forward to working with you and your child over the next term to make sure they continue to achieve and reach their full potential! I’m ready and excited for this term and school year! I hope they are too, after what I hope was a lovely summer.