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Clovers - Miss carroll

Overview of Term 3

English: Reading and Writing

Clovers Class will use the book ‘Flat Stanley: The Great Egyptian Grave Robbery’ by S. Pennypacker to develop fluency of reading, increase their range of vocabulary and improve their comprehension skills through a variety of question styles including oral work, written responses to questions and predictions based on evidence found in the text.

For Writing, Clovers will be encouraged to use adverbs for time, place and cause, apostrophes for possession and plurals and develop their understanding of  the importance of punctuation for proper nouns. They will improve their understanding of using and applying prepositional phrases. Using the book ‘The Fossil Girl- Mary Anning’ by Catherine Brighton, Clovers will engage in writing recounts, diary entries and letters.

‘The Fossil Girl’ will also act as a pathway to support Term 3 (and 4) science: Archaeology.

To celebrate poetry, Clovers will learn ‘To a Mouse’ by Robert Burns, for their choral recital Assembly on February 14th.  


Luckwell’s spelling strategy is based on: Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check.

Look: first look at the whole word carefully and if there is one part of the word that is difficult, look at that part in more detail.

Say: say the word as you look at it, using different ways of pronouncing it if that will make it more memorable.

Cover: cover the word.

Write: write the word from memory, saying the word as you do so.

Check: Have you got it right? If yes, try writing it again and again! If not, start again – look, say, cover, write, check.

Spelling comes in three forms: home learning (statutory words), practise in school (spelling rules and patters) and personal spellings.

Term 3’s Home Learning will be from the statutory words list for Y3/4: f-k: famous- knowledge.  

Class learning will be:

Year 3 will focus on word suffixes ‘-ness’ and ‘-ful’ and ‘-less’ and ‘-ly’ following a consonant, reinforce understanding of the prefixes ‘sub-’ and ‘tele-’.

Year 4 will focus on ‘gu’ and ‘ture’ vocabulary and review understanding of possessive apostrophes with plurals (linking to English work).

There will also be some personal spellings which may include words such as which, with, their, they’re, exciting and maybe.


Clovers will continue to focus on the times tables to secure their knowledge and speed of recall and relate known facts to discover other facts using ‘If I know 4 X 8 is 32, then I know 32 ÷8 is 4, and so on…).

Adding and Subtracting is the focus for all children in Clovers Cass including subtracting ones and tens from a 3/4 digit number with and without ‘exchange’. They will think about effective mental strategies such as: subtract 10, add 1 to find -9, subtract 20 add 1 to solve -19 and so on, using number bonds and place value. Clovers will then use these skills to develop column addition and subtraction as more formal method skills.

Year 3 will also investigate various fractions such as thirds, quarters and eights by comparing, ordering and finding equivalence Year 4 will investigate angles, and further improve their recall of times tables in preparation for assessment in Term 6.


Science for Terms 3 and 4 in Clovers Class is Archaeology. Supported by the English text, Clovers will investigate rocks and minerals. They will learn how fossils are formed and how to compare and identify various types of rock by their physical appearance. Clovers will also participate in the Explorer Dome based on the Environment: habitats and food-webs, to support learning from Term 2.  


This term is a Geography focus. Clovers Class will investigate the question: What are rivers? They will name and locate the five longest rivers in the world and significant rivers closer to home. They will learn about the weather cycle and learn how to name and label various parts of a river:


Clovers will PE skills supported by the Robins Foundation Team on Wednesdays, and on Fridays, they will focus on Dance and Fitness including rhythm, pattern, and creating their own routines!


The children of Clovers Class will think Hinduism and what ‘karma’ means and why it is important to Hindus- it brings kindness and selflessness.


Dreams and Goals is the basis for Term 3 PSHE and will allow the children to consider motivation and enthusiasm, making difficult decisions, overcoming disappointments, and developing resilience.


The children will continue to practise the days of the week and some colours in French. They will also earn about icer cream and how to say ‘I can…’.


Term 3 is a Design and Technology term. Clovers Class will investigate clothing: Wearable Technology considering, product design, use, wearability and point of sale.


In Term 3, Covers will think about creating their own compositions based on the word ‘STOP!’ linked to anti-bullying. They will also think about celebrations around the world learning ‘The Dragon Song’ to recognise Chinese New Year (Jan 29th- year of the snake), and the notes: BCDEFG. 



End of Term 2 Summary

Term 2 in Clovers Class has been such fun learning abut The Romans and how they impacted our lives for ever. We enjoyed investigating the story behind the naming of Rome thorough poetry and our Assembly, and the many legacies the Roman Empire left behind including toilets, underfloor heating, and aqueducts.

In maths, we developed our mental maths skills to add and subtract 9, 99, 199 and 1999 by adding 10, 100 etc and then subtracting. We also developed our skills in naming and recognising 3D shapes and can now name a variety of lines: perpendicular, parallel, vertical, horizontal, and diagonal, through songs and actions!

Clovers Class wrote beautiful poetry, extensive pieces of narrative writing and participated in some role-play to develop History and Writing skills using alliteration, adverbs, expanded noun phrases and paragraphs.

Many of us also participated int the Big Winter Sing at the Bristol Beacon which was so exciting to be part of and of course, we all played our djembe drums with gusto at our Drumming Assembly. We were in time, we were skilled, and we learned so much about dynamics, tempo and crescendo!


Overview for Term 2


In Reading this term, Clovers will continue to read ‘Llama out loud!’ by Annabelle Sami (the fun story of how a talking toy llama encourages a selective mute to speak!), in their guided reading sessions, moving on to reading ‘Welcome to Grimwood’ - a funny tale of animals and woodlands, by the BAME author Nadia Shireen, to develop fluency, vocabulary and comprehension skills. The effective use of Reading Records, reading at home and reading at school with an adult, will also continue, with a focus on Clovers Class writing sentences about what they are enjoying about a book, a favourite character or perhaps making predictions about the story.

Using the story ‘Winter’s Child’ by Angela McAllister, Clovers Class will reinforce their use of expanded noun phrases, fronted adverbials, and inverted commas to denote speech. They will also focus on writing in the first person to create diary entries and be inspired to create poetry based on the season of Winter.

Spelling will once again have three focuses: Statutory Spellings practised at home (c-e words: calendar, caught, centre, century, certain, circle, complete, consider, continue, decide, describe , different, difficult, disappear, early, earth, eight, eighth, enough, exercise, experience, experiment and extreme), class spellings practised regularly in school, and personal spellings specific to individuals/groups of children (to be practised at home and school).

Handwriting sessions will encourage the correct formation of key letters-k, f, t, i, g and j- and how they join to others. Additionally, all children will be encouraged to write numerical digits correctly, specifically: 3, 5, 7 and 0.



A key focus for maths in Term 2 is multiplication and division. For Year 3: X 3, X 4 and X8, whilst for Year 4: X 6, X 9, X 6, X 0 and X1 (in this order) including the divisible facts. Clovers Class will once again be encouraged to use the term ‘If I know 5 X 3, then I also know 3 X 5, 15 ÷ 5, 15 ÷ 3, and so on. Furthermore, the children will develop their skills in adding and subtracting using 2- and 3-digit numbers including exchanging with H, T and Ones.

Luckwell Maths Challenge will continue each with- we are hopeful lots more learners will achieve their Silver and Gold Certificates this term!

Please encourage your child to log on to and use, their Times Tables Rock Star account to support this term’s maths learning: Times Tables Rock Stars: Play


Science for Term 2 continues with Living Things and their Habitats with a focus on Nurturing Nature. Clovers will review and reinforce their learning about MRSGREN, consider what invertebrates and vertebrates are. Compare deciduous and evergreen plants and review their understanding of classification keys, predators, and prey.  


Term 2 in Luckwelll Primary has a history focus; Clovers Class will learn about the Roman invasion of Britian including asking: How and Why did the Romans invade Britain? What was it like in Roman Britain?

How did the Romans change Britain? What has been their legacy in Bristol? and, Who was Boudicca?

Clovers Class will research these aspects using texts, books and the internet, create factual pieces of writing in the form of booklets and posters and map out the Roman Empire. They will also learn some Latin names (and the legacy on UK cities and language) and create Roman mosaic artwork. There may even be a Roman dress-up day!


Clovers Class will work with the Robins Foundation Team on Tag Rugby and will practise problem solving skills using games to encourage several of our School Values: Safety, Challenge, Respect and Empathy whilst evaluating, creating and reflecting upon working as part of a team.


Term 2 is based on the Five Pillars of Islam- How do Muslims show their submission to Allah? Clovers will learn the importance and significance of the Pillars and how Muslims follow these practises to become closer to their god.


Clovers will think and reflect upon the subject: Celebrating Differences, and how we are all special, unique and different as individuals. They will reflect on their own skills and talents and compare how others are treated around the world. This has close link to both British and School Values.


Term 2 is an Art term where Clovers Class will investigate different ways to make card shapes three dimensional, e.g. folding and curving the card or joining the flat shapes together, make a structure that holds its 3D shape and explain in simple terms the difference between 2D and 3D art. These skills will help kin creating Christmas decorations and cards.

Although Term 2 is not a ‘music’ term, we will continue to work with Joe from Bristol Plays Music, to learn to play the djembe drum to create a wonderful assembly to share with parents and carers of Clovers Class-look out for the date in an upcoming school comms. In addition to this, the children will learn the songs for the Christmas Big Sing on December 4th at the Bristol Beacon.


Clovers will begin their IT learning journey this term thinking about: How does a digital device work? What parts make up a digital device? And What is a server? We will also take a tour of our own school server and learn from one of our Excalibur Trust IT team about how our system works.



End of Term 1 Summary

What a terrific start we have had to the school year in Clovers Class. We have made great strides in becoming independent in our learning- reading questions carefully, organising the maths resources we may need to help us learn and listening for instructions to be able to do our tasks with success!  

We have learned about the people from the Empire Windrush, and how they helped to make Britain ‘great’ again after WWII and shared our thoughts and worries about racism during some role-play. We are beginning to gain confidence in writing in paragraphs and using expanded noun phrases, fronted adverbials and even alliteration.  

In science, we learned the importance of using controls and a variable to create a fair test and realised that to be a scientist, you may not always get the results you hoped for and might have to try several times until the experiment works.  

The best part of Term 1 has got to be making Apple Crumble for our Design Technology lessons- bashing up biscuits, crumbling up butter and flour and of course eating it! Some of us even had more than one serving! 

Super learning, super attitude, and lots and lots of Dojo Points!  

Well done Clovers Class.  


Overview of Term 1 

English: Reading and Writing 
Clovers Class will use the book ‘Llama, out loud’ by Annabelle Sami to develop fluency of reading, increase their range of vocabulary and improve tier comprehension skills through a variety of question styles including oral work, written responses to questions and predictions based on evidence found in the text. 

For Writing, Clovers will be encouraged to use noun and expanded noun sentences, understand the importance of punctuation (capital letters, full stops and commas). They will improve their understanding of using and applying verbs whilst considering fronted adverbials. Using the book written by Floella Benjamin: ‘Coming to England’, Clovers will engage in writing stories based on fictional journeys and a recount of the author’s voyage and discovery of England. They will also be encouraged to think about prepositions (above, below, next too etc.) when writing sentences about scenes from the book.  

‘Coming to England’ will also act as a pathway into Black History Month in October to support Clovers Class in tier understanding of migration, cultural differences and our British Values.  

To celebrate Roald Dahl Day (September 13th) the children will participate in a whole school activity involving activities based on a variety of Dahl’s well-known stories.  

Spelling comes in three forms: home learning (statutory words), practise in school (spelling rules and patters) and personal spellings. 

Term 1’s Home learning will be from the statutory words list for Y3/4: a-b words-accident, accidentally, actual, actually, address, answer, appear, arrive, believe, bicycle, breath, breathe, build, busy, business.  

Class learning will be: 

Year 3 will focus on word endings such as er, ed, ing, s, es, the prefixes un and dis and the sounds ‘ei’ (vein), ‘eigh’ (eight), ‘aigh’ (straight) or ‘ey’ (they). 

Year 4 will review their understanding of the possessive apostrophe with singular proper nouns, and homophones (peace/piece, main/mane, fair/fare). 

There will also be some personal spellings which may include words such as believe, friend, much and who. 


Clovers will primarily focus on the 2, 3 and 4 times tables to secure their knowledge and speed of recall. They will be encouraged to use known facts to discover other facts using ‘If I know 2 X 5 is 10, then I know 10 ÷ 2 is 5, and so on…). 

Place Value is the main focus for all children in Clovers Cass including recognising the value of 3 and 4 digit numbers, comparing and ordering, adding and subtracting.  

Year 3 will also investigate tenths as fractions and decimals, polygons and prisms whilst Year 4 will investigate positive and negative numbers, triangles, trapeziums and quadrilaterals.  

Science for Terms 1 and 2 in Clovers Class is Living Things and their Habitats with a focus on Nurturing Nature. Clovers will review and reinforce their learning about MRSGREN, consider what invertebrates and vertebrates are. Compare deciduous and evergreen plants and review their understanding of classification keys, predators, and prey.  

This term is a Geography focus. Clovers Class will investigate the question: What are mountains? The will locate the four highest peaks in Great Britain and Northern Ireland, learn how mountains are formed, consider mountain climates and terrain and investigate mountain ranges around the world. They will develop their mapping skills to decipher contour lines, read and interpret a ‘key’ and use grid references to 2 places.  

Clovers will develop football skills supported by the Robins Foundation Team on Wednesdays, and their foundation skills such as skipping, running and dodging, and jumping and landing whilst working with Mrs Wallace on a Friday afternoon.  

The children of Clovers Class will think about how we demonstrate reconciliation in our lives- how we ask for forgiveness, how we accept someone’s apology and consider skills to demonstrate compassion and empathy.  

Linked to English, Black History Month and RE, children will discuss and reinforce their understanding of the School Values and British Values. They will also participate in learning activities to help them think about ‘Being me in my world’: considering their role in their family, home life, friendship groups and school.  

The children will begin to learn the days of the week and some colours in French. They will also begin to retell the story of Little Red Riding Hood… but in French: Petit Chaperon rouge! 

Term 1 is a Design and Technology term. Clovers Class will investigate what ‘Eating Seasonally’ means whilst describing how climate affects where foods grow (linked to our Geography Unit), identify seasonal ingredients from the UK (linked to Harvest) and tasting seasonal ingredients- please make us aware of any allergies. The children will also discuss the texture and flavour of ingredients and consider the best way to prepare and cook seasonal foods.  

In music sessions, Clovers will learn, analyse and perform the song Mamma Mia by Abba. They will investigate pulse, rhythm, and rhyme, understand the importance of warm-up when singing and learn the notes G, A and B.