Horseshoes - Miss ogborne
Overview of Term 3
This term we will be exploring addition and subtraction and multiplication before all joining together to focus on measurement.
Year 1 will return to addition and subtraction focussing on number facts of 11 through to 16. Then they will move on to comparing, ordering heights and lengths using non standard measures.
Year 2 will explore multiplication as repeated addition and writing division statements for grouping and sharing. Then they will move on to focus on times tables, 2s, 5s and 10s building on their skip counting. Then we will move on to measurement such as measuring using kg/g and cm/, then estimating and comparing these measurements.
Our book this term is The Lion Inside by Rache Bright and Jim Field.
Year 1 will focus on beginning to use the prefix un- and the suffixes -ed, -ing, -er and -est. As well as continuing to consolidate the basics of a sentence, capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.
Year 2 will focus on writing sentences in different forms: statement, question, exclamation and command and using punctuation correctly within those statements. We will also revisit using because and when in sentences and using commas in a list.
Year 1 are mastering Phase 5a by revisiting and consolidating the new graphemes and common exception words learnt previously. Once a week an optional focussed task will be sent home and when we start Phase 5b this will revert back to an overview of Phonics learning will be sent home.
Year 2 who are ready will now bring home weekly spellings on a Monday which will be quizzed the following Monday ensuring all children have a full week to practise the spelling rule in school and at home. These will be shared on Dojo
We use the spelling strategy based on: Look, say, Cover, Write and Check.
Look: first look at the whole word carefully and if there is one part of the word that is difficult, look at that part in more detail.
Say: say the word as you look at it, using different ways of pronouncing it if that will make it more memorable.
Cover: cover the word.
Write: write the word from memory, saying the word as you do so.
Check: Have you got it?
Our topic until Easter is Materials! We will be identifying, naming and describing the properties of a variety of everyday materials as well as comparing and grouping them. We will use observation and simple tests to find out if the shape of solid objects can be changed.
We are once again Geographers, this time we are learning all about Sydney, Australia with the question: What is life like in Sydney? We will recap our continents, hemispheres and climate knowledge and apply this to Sydney. As it is in the Southern hemisphere we will be able to compare and contrast to Bristol.
Our focus this term is Mechanisms. Over the course of the term we will learn how axles help wheels move a vehicle and design and label a working fairground wheel. After a survey we will design and make our own ferris wheel which rotates and stands freely.
Our song this term is called Friendship song and so reinforces the importance of being a good friend. We finding the pulse, clapping rhythms, playing the Glockenspiels to copy and improvise rhythms leading to composing our own short rhythm
We will continue to follow the Jigsaw scheme of learning to support our PSHE
work. This term our theme is ‘Dreams and Goals’’. Each session we will explore a different aspect of this theme.
On Tuesdays we will be focussing on Dance- practising our dance ready for the Dance Festival at Ashton Park.
On Wednesday we will play Sending and Receiving games with the Robins. We will develop an understanding of attacking and defending and what being 'in possession' means. They use and develop skills such as sending and receiving with both feet and hands, as well as dribbling with both feet and hands.
This term we will focus on the question: What did Jesus teach about God in his parables?
Important reminders
PE: Every Tuesday and Wednesday
Bookbags: In everyday. The school expectation is that you read with your
child 4 times a week and record this within the red book.
End of Term 2 Summary
Wow what a busy term in Horseshoes!
We have been super creative making felt, collages and print making as well as being excellent singers at the Big Sing
We have developed our addition, subtraction and shape detecting skills as well as upleveling our vocabulary, punctuation and handwriting in English.
As Historians we have learnt all about Brunel and his famous innovations, lots of which you can spot around the city!
We’ve wrapped up our scientific learning about animals so we are experts in identifying and classifying a range of vertebrate animals.
Finally I hope you all witnessed the amazing Nativity and what wonderful performers the children are!
Merry Christmas, enjoy the festive break and we will be back ready to learn in the New Year!
Overview for Term 2
Our book this term is Katie in London by James Mayhew which has a lovely link back to one of the popular Ladybird topics of the Great Fire! We will be learning more about modern day London with the view to write a report at the end of term.
Year 1 will focus on using adjectives in their work, and to join ideas and sentences, to spell the days of the week correctly and continue to consolidate the basics of a sentence, capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.
Year 2 will focus on beginning to use commas in a list and continue with using expanded noun phrases to add description and detail for example the blue butterfly.
Year 2 are mastering Phase 5c before moving on to Spelling after Christmas.
Year 1 are learning Phase 5a, which is new graphemes (spellings) of sounds they already know. Then they will move onto Phase 5a Mastery where they will revisit Phase 5 to consolidate the new graphemes and common exception words.
Once a week an overview of Phonics learning will be sent home.
This term we will be exploring addition and subtraction further as well as revisiting shape.
Year 1 will move on to counting and ordering numbers to 100, comparing and finding one more and one less. They will then work through addition and subtraction focussing on number facts of 7, 8, 9, 10. FInally they will be recognising 3D shapes such as cuboids, cubes, pyramids and spheres.
Year 2 will focus on the different strategies to add and subtract 2 digit numbers, looking at number facts, adding 10s and bridging over ten. This is the basis of column addition and subtraction so we will be ensuring the children have a deep understanding of this. Next we will explore multiplication as repeated addition and writing division statements for grouping and sharing. Then we will look at the properties of 3D shapes such as cylinders and cones.
Our focus until Christmas will be Living Things and their Habitats. We will be looking at food chains, predators and prey, carnivores, omnivores and herbivores as well as consolidating our knowledge of animal groups.
This term we are Historians answering the question How did Queen Victoria and Isambard Kingdom Brunel shape Bristol? We will learn about one of the most influential Victorians and how he changed transport by creating railways and ships as well as looking at the age of the Victorians in general through those significant individuals
Our focus this term is craft and design and we will be exploring and creating maps through various art forms including drawing, printmaking and felt making.
Our focus this term will be technology around us, recognising technology in the school and begin to use it responsibly. We may also begin to use a program to create art and compare this to non digital art.
We will continue to follow the Jigsaw scheme of learning to support our PSHE
work. This term our theme is ‘Celebrating Difference’’. Each session we will explore a different aspect of this theme.
End of Term 1 Summary
What a long and busy term it's been!
In Horseshoe class we have adjusted well to being Year 1 and Year 2, rising to the new expectations and being good role models for the new Ladybugs! We have learnt all about Hong Kong, and compared it to Bristol. We've designed and almost finished making our chairs for Baby Bear and been dedicated musicians! I have loved the enthusiasm for Science and animals which will hopefully roll over into next term. As well as an ever expanding love and enthusiasm of books and stories both together, independently and in English. I look forward to becoming Historians next term after a well earned rest!
Overview of Term 1
Our book this term is Meesha Makes Friends by Tom Percival
Year 1 will focus on using and to join, full stops and capital letters for people, places and I.
Year 2 will focus on using a range of conjunctions (and, but, when, if, because) and using expanded noun phrases to add description and detail for example the blue butterfly.
Year 2 are starting with a focus on spelling within Phase 5a selecting the correct spelling of a sound before moving onto revise and master the alternative pronunciations of Phase 5b
Year 1 will be revising Phase 4 with a focus on securing common exception words and grammar such as adding suffixes (s/es/ing/ed) and prefixes (un).
Once a week an overview of Phonics learning will be sent home.
This term we will be exploring place value, shape and addition and subtraction.
Year 1 will focus on the key skills of counting and ordering numbers to 30, recognising rectangle, triangle, square and circle as well as beginning to write and read number sentences.
Year 2 will focus on the key skills of reading, writing, comparing and ordering numbers to 100 accurately, recalling and using number bonds to 10, finding 10 more or less than of any 2-digit number and adding two-digit numbers. As well as identifying and describing 3D shapes using the mathematical vocabulary of edges, vertices and faces.
Our focus until Christmas will be Living Things and their Habitats. First we will look at what makes a living thing vs dead vs never been alive. We will be classifying vertebrates into the five animal classes, fish, amphibians, mammals, reptiles and birds. Then we will identify and describe how different habitats provide for different kinds of life.
This term we are Geographers answering the question What is it like in Hong Kong? We will learn about the special region that is Hong Kong, the climate, transportation etc and then use prior knowledge of Bristol to compare and contrast the two places.
Our focus this term is structures and we will be identifying natural and man-made structures and stable and unstable shapes. We will design and make a model of a chair for Baby Bear.
Our song is: Hands, Feet, Heart
We will be finding the pulse, clapping rhythms, using instruments to copy and improvise rhythms leading to composing our own short rhythm.
We will continue to follow the Jigsaw scheme of learning to support our PSHE
work. This term our theme is ‘Being Me in My World’. Each week we will explore a different aspect of this theme.
On Wednesday we will play Invasion games with the Robins. We will develop an understanding of attacking and defending and what being 'in possession' means. They use and develop skills such as sending and receiving with both feet and hands, as well as dribbling with both feet and hands.
On Fridays we will focus on fundamentals skills. We will explore the fundamental skills of balancing, running, changing direction, jumping, hopping and skipping. They will explore these skills in isolation as well as in combination and will work collaboratively with others, taking turns and sharing ideas.
This term we will focus on the question: Why is belonging to God and the church family important to Christians?
We will explore what it means to belong within our communities and how christians show they belong within their religion.
Important reminders
PE: Every Wednesday and Friday
Bookbags: In everyday. The school expectation is that you read with your
child 4 times a week and record this within the red book.