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A member of Excalibur Academies Trust


LADYBUGS - Miss Long


Overview of Term 3

This term, our theme is ‘Winter.’ We will focus on exploring the four seasons and the different types of weather we might expect to see, with a focus on our current season, winter. We will look at the various activities we can do in seasons, such as planting seeds, winter sports and the types of animals we might expect to see in cold places. In addition, we will make comparisons between the seasons and be able to recognise the environmental changes that happen over time, such as the falling of leaves and hibernation. In addition, we look at why we have different types of weather and have a go replicating them in our classroom. We will read Perfectly Norman to support our growing understanding of self-esteem and accepting our differences.


Literacy (including Phonics and Reading)
Our key literacy texts this term will be ‘The Naughty Bus ’ by Jan and Jerry Oke. In Drawing Club this term we will be reading Lost and Found, Where to Hide a Star and Hansel and Gretel. In addition, we will be watching Trap Door. Drawing club promotes a real love for writing and mark-making and supports children in acquiring challenging and exciting vocabulary.  These are rich texts we will know inside out by the end of the term! We will answer questions about these books, learn new vocabulary and make marks inspired by what we have read. These core books have been carefully selected to engage, inspire and provide plentiful opportunities to follow the interests of the pupils.

We will continue to develop our speaking and listening this term and have almost finished phase 3 phonics and will begin out phase 3 mastery to deepen and secure our knowledge. This term, we will look at the following:


Week 1 – Phase 3 set 10 (ow oi ear air)

Week 2 – Phase 3, set 11 (ure er)

Week 3 – Phase 3, set 6 recap (j v w x)

Week 4 – Phase 3, set 7 recap (y x xx qu)

Week 5 – Phase 3, set 8 recap (ch sh th ng)

Please read with your child four times a week. Your child is working through their phonics books, which will be changed as and when they are ready, so please make sure these are being read as it is vital for good progress. Picture books will be changed on a Friday, ready for the weekend and the following week.


We will begin a new topic in maths this term as we explore the composition of numbers 2, 3, and 4. We will start to look at and build a strong understanding of how we can make numbers using other numbers and recognise the different ways we can make them. We will also explore the part, part, whole model using a range of manipulatives and play-based learning. We will also strengthen our knowledge of shapes this term by comparing squares and triangles and introducing 3D shapes.


Personal, Social and Emotional Development

In school we use the jigsaw scheme of learning to support our PSHE work. This term our theme is ‘Dream and Goals’. Each week we will explore a different aspect if this theme. We will look at:


Week 1 – Challenge

                                       Week 2 – Never Giving Up

Week 3 – Setting a Goal

Week 4 – Obstacles and Support

Week 5 – Homes

Week 6 – Flight to the Future

Week 7 – Our Footprint



Physical Development
Our P.E. days will be Monday and Wednesday. We will develop our fine and gross motor skills through play inside and outside. We will continue to focus on coordination and balance and start two new units. We are very lucky to have the Robins Foundation working with us again this term, focusing on game skills. In addition, I will be teaching dance on a Monday. We will continue  Squiggle Whilst We Wiggle, a quick gross motor activity done each week to develop our range of gross motor movements to support our fine motor writing skills.


Understanding The World
This term, we are returning to our geographical knowledge and will deepen our understanding of Bristol by exploring some of its physical and human features. We will construct our suspension bridges and test their strength; we will create stained glass windows inspired by St Mary Redcliff Church and go on a journey to London (in class) to compare Bristol to London and other cities in the UK. These units will be hands-on and creative to promote critical thinking and curiosity. Lessons will follow the class's lines of development and will be shaped around their questions and curiosities about the world and people around us. In addition, we will look at the shared values of helping others across different religions, such a Sikhism and Christianity.



End of Term 2 Summary

We have come to the end of another fantastic term here in Ladybugs. The children have worked incredibly hard this term with their phonics and are now almost at the end of phase 3 phonics and powering through their phonics books. We had a fantastic time reading The Three Little Pigs by being detectives to solve the crimes, creating inventions to trap the wolf and retelling our story through roleplay . The children have loved Drawing Club in English again this term; seeing them be so excited to have a go and use their new vocabulary, such as rascal, blazing and fearsome, has been amazing, as well as seeing them design and write their ideas and passwords! In maths, the children have been securing the knowledge of counting, focusing on 1:1 correspondence, recognising numerals and how we represent numbers. We have now made it up to 10 and will begin looking at the numbers' composition after the Christmas break. In addition, we have had so much fun exploring special days such as haiku, Diwali, and Christmas, explaining why they are important to different people and what traditions they follow. The class have also become confident and started to explore the concepts of past and present, and we have loved comparing how we celebrate Christmas now to Christmas in the past. I am excited to continue our geographical knowledge by exploring Bristol next term, continuing our P.E. with the Robins and starting our dance unit with myself. I hope you all have a restful and fun-filled holiday. See you in the new year!


Overview of Term 2

This term, our theme is ‘Special Days’ We will focus on celebrations from around the world and how different cultures choose to celebrate. We will explore a range of celebrations such as bonfire night, Diwali, Christmas, and Hanukkah and learn why they are important to different people. Later into the term, we will begin to practice our Nativity Songs and prepare for our performance at the school, as well as lots of festive activities as we get closer to December. We will read The Squirrels Who Squabbled to support our growing knowledge of sharing and cooperation.


Literacy (including Phonics and Reading)

Our key literacy texts this term will be the classic tale ‘The Three Little Pigs ’ by Mara Alperin. In addition, as of the end of the last term, we started Drawing Club in English, so we will be reading Big Bad Dragon Club, The Hairy Toe and Wanted! Ralfy Rabbit, Book Burgler. Drawing club promotes a real love for writing and mark-making and supports children in acquiring challenging and exciting vocabulary.  These are rich texts we will know inside out by the end of the term! We will answer questions about these books, learn new vocabulary and make marks inspired by what we have read. These core books have been carefully selected to engage, inspire and provide plentiful opportunities to follow the interests of the pupils.

We will be developing our speaking and listening this term and have already reached the end of Phase 2 Phonics! We will recap our knowledge after half term before starting Phase 3. This term, we will look at the following:

Week 1 – Phase 2 set 6 recap (l ll ss, go)

Week 2 – Phase 3, set 6 (j v w x)

Week 3 – Phase 3, set 7 (y z zz qu)

Week 4 – Phase 3, set 8 (ch sh th ng)

Week 5 – Phase 3, set 9 (ai ee igh oa)

Week 6 – Phase 3, set 10 (o oar or ur)

Week 7 – Phase 3, set 11 (ing endings)

Please read with your child every day. You can share your favourite bedtime story and encourage your child to join in with bits they know, talk about pictures, and copy your words. You can look for print in the environment, such as road signs, shopping lists and shop names – ask your child if they recognise any symbols, letters, or words. Your child is working through their phonics books, which will be changed as and when they are ready, so please make sure these are in every day. Picture books will be changed on a Friday, ready for the weekend and the following week.


We will continue our maths learning this term by focusing on building confidence surrounding the five counting principles. We will start to look at and build a strong understanding of numbers 6-10, as well as begin to explore length, weight, capacity, and volume in more detail. We will continue to use a hands-on approach for maths using a range of different manipulatives and begin to start writing and ordering numerals when writing.


Personal, Social and Emotional Development

In school we use the jigsaw scheme of learning to support our PSHE work. This term our theme is ‘Celebrating Difference. Each week we will explore a different aspect if this theme. We will look at:


Week 1 – Our Rights Our and Responsibilities

                                                               Week 2 – What Am I Good At?

Week 3 – I’m Special, I’m Me!

Week 4 – Families

Week 5 – Homes

Week 6 – Making Friends

Week 7 – Standing Up For Yourself


Physical Development

We will develop our fine and gross motor skills through play inside and outside. We will continue to focus on coordination and balance. We are also very lucky to have the Robins Foundation working with us again this term, focusing on developing ball skills. Our P.E. day is Wednesday. In addition, we will be starting Squiggle Whilst We Wiggle, a quick gross motor activity done each day to develop our range of gross motor movements to support our fine motor writing skills.


Understanding The World

This term, we will learn about past and present, celebrations and why some Christians perform in Nativities. Within our past and present topics, we will look at memories and explore images, stories, and artefacts from the past so the class has a clear understanding of what past and present mean. These units will be hands-on and creative to promote critical thinking and curiosity. Lessons will follow the class's lines of development and will be shaped around their questions and curiosities about the world and people around us.



End of Term 1 Summary

We have come to the end of a fantastic term here in Ladybugs. The children have worked incredibly hard this term with their phonics and are now reading and writing words independently using their new segmenting and blending skills! We have finished phase 2 phonics and will start phase 3 when we return from break. We had a fantastic time reading The Gingerbread Man; we even had a few sweet surprises left in our classroom and entered a cake design competition for Mr and Mrs Baker. A highlight has been starting Drawing Club in English and seeing them be so excited to have a go and use their new vocabulary, such as discombobulated and menacing! In maths, the children have been securing the knowledge of counting, focusing on 1:1 correspondence and how we represent numbers. We are beginning to recognise numerals up to 6 and have had lots of fun exploring the properties of circles and squares. In addition, we have had mountains of fun learning all about sound maps, cities, colouring mixing and Halloween! I am excited to start our new topic of special days and celebrations next term, starting with a Diwali celebration the first week back. In addition, we look forward to continuing our P.E. sessions with the Robins Foundation next term.


Overview of Term 1 

This term, our theme is ‘All about me!’ We will focus on welcoming children into their new school routine, caring for others’ feelings, and working together. We will focus on what makes us unique and celebrating our differences. We will focus on the wonderful story ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ by Michael Rosen as our key text to support the link between school and home and how we can map journey routes around our school. We will also focus on ‘The Colour Monster’ to support our understanding of emotions and self-regulation.

     We're Going on a Bear Hunt (CBH Children / Picture Books)                  The Colour Monster

Literacy (including Phonics and Reading)

Our key literacy texts this term will be the classic tales ‘The Gingerbread Man’ and ‘The Three Little Pigs’ by Mara Alperin. These are rich texts we will know inside out by the end of the term! We will answer questions about these books, learn new vocabulary and make marks inspired by what we have read. These core books have been carefully selected to engage, inspire and provide plentiful opportunities to follow the interests of the pupils.

                The Gingerbread Man (My First Fairy Tales)                     The Three Little Pigs

We will be developing our speaking and listening this term and have already begun our Unlocking Letters and Sounds Phonics sessions! First, we will recap Phase 1 and then when the children are in school full time, we will move onto learning Phase 2 sounds. This term we will look at:

Week 1 – Not at school

Week 2 (Part time) – Phase 1 Aspects 1-7

Week 3 (full time) – Phase 2, set 1 (s a t p)

Week 4 – Phase 2, set 2 (i n m d)

Week 5 – Phase 2, set 3 (g o c k)

Week 6 – Phase 2, set 4 (ck e u r)

Week 7 – Phase 2, set 5 (h b f ff)

Week 8 – Phase 2, set 6 (l ll ss)


Please read with your child every day. You can share your favourite bedtime storey and encourage your child to join in with bits they know, talk about pictures, and copy your words. You can look for print in the environment, such as road signs, shopping lists and shop names – ask your child if they recognise any symbols, letters, or words. Your child will receive a school reading book and reading record later this term. I will be in touch with more information about that nearer the time.



We will begin our Maths learning this term by focusing on matching and sorting, exploring patterns and comparing amounts. We will start to look at and build a strong understanding of numbers 0-3, followed by 4-6 as we progress through the term using Can Do Maths as a guide. We will begin our maths journey with a focus on the five counting principles, ensuring each child understands what and how we count. Our sessions will be hands-on, using a range of manipulatives and resources to ensure pupils are actively learning.


Personal, Social and Emotional Development

In school we use the jigsaw scheme of learning to support our PSHE work. This term our theme is ‘Being Me in My World’. Each week we will explore a different aspect if this theme. We will look at:


Week 3 (full time) – Who…Me?!

Week 4 – How am I Feeling Today?

Week 5 – Being at School

Week 6 – Gentle Hands

Week 7 – Our Rights and Responsibilities


Physical Development

We will be developing our fine and gross motor skills through play inside and outside. Once the children are in school full time, we will begin our Real PE lessons twice a week – focusing on coordination and static balance. We will also be focusing on health and self-care, learning about the importance of washing our hands, how to use the toilets independently and using a knife and fork to eat our school lunches. We are also very lucky to have the Robins Foundation working with us once a week to provide a focused P.E session.


Understanding The World
Understanding the world comprises many subjects you would typically see in KS1 and KS2, such as Geography, Science and History. Rather than having separate subjects, Understanding the World aims to guide pupils to make sense of their physical world and community through opportunities to explore, observe and find out about people, places, technology, and the environment. This term, we will be learning about our bodies, colour and celebrations, as well as understanding what maps are and how we can use and create them. These units will be hands-on and creative to promote critical thinking and curiosity. Lessons will follow the class's lines of development and will be shaped around their questions and curiosities about the world and people around us.