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A member of Excalibur Academies Trust

PTA Events

The PTA run events regularly across the school year for both students, members and friends of the school. Some of the events are held to fundraise, such as the Christmas raffle while some events are held to support the experience and education of the students at Luckwell, such as the school disco.

Planned events for the 2024/2025 school year

  • Wednesday 23 October: Halloween Disco (4.30-6pm)
  • Friday 15 November: Luckwell Quiz Night (7-9.30pm)
  • Friday 6 December: Luckwell Xmas Tree Sale (details to be confirmed)
  • January: Lantern Parade (TBC)
  • February: Sponsored fun @ Luckwell (More details to follow).
  • Thursday 3 April: Easter Disco (4.30-6pm)
  • Saturday 12 July: Summer Fair (12-3pm)

Planned committee meetings

Next PTA meeting - Thursday 16th January at 7pm.