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A member of Excalibur Academies Trust

Our School Priorities 2024/25

Our School Priorities


Quality of Education 

  • Improve the use of formative assessment in mathematics so that standards continue to rise above national average.
  • Improve use of formative assessment in writing and embed our feedback and marking policy so that pupils deepen their knowledge and understanding.
  • Achieve 100% in the Phonics Screening Check and support EYFS to ensure no pupil falls behind.
  • Develop ‘Walk thru’ strategies consistently in all schools and embed effective formative assessment strategies effectively through CPD using the toolkit.
  • Develop the use of written summative assessment in foundation subjects to support depth and mastery of knowledge.
  • Further develop the use of quizzing in foundation subjects.
  • Sharpen the use of scaffolding for SEND pupils so that develop strong subject knowledge, and provision matches their plans.

Behaviour and Attitudes

  • Improve attendance in school and reduce persistent absence. Increase attendance up to 96%.
  • Embed trauma informed strategies for pupils with SEMH needs.


Personal Development

  • Use the new RE Scheme to deepen pupils understanding of a range of faiths and prepare them for life in modern Britain.
  • Develop inter school sporting and public speaking competitions.


Leadership and Management

  • Use new trust appraisal / policy to support professional development and improve teaching.
  • Use a well planned monitoring schedule, especially in core subjects.
  • Follow a well planned programme of staff development for the ‘Walk thru’ assessment strategies to develop consistency in teaching.
  • Improve the leadership of core subjects so that provision is consistently strong.


Early Years

  • Improve the quality of verbal interactions, especially in continuous provision. 
  • Embed effective storytelling and story times including Drawing club.
  • Improve the transition Reception to Year 1.
  • Embed continuous provision (early Excellence) focusing on the development of Guided Play