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A member of Excalibur Academies Trust

Robins Foundation

At Luckwell Primary School, Bristol City Robins Foundation come in once a week to deliver the Premier League Primary Stars programme.

The mission of PL Primary Stars is to educate and inspire primary school aged children. We deliver PE, PSHE, maths and English lessons to children from the age of 5 to 11. This is done through whole class sessions, targeted interventions and 1 to 1 mentoring. These sessions aim to encourage learning through sport and activity whilst instilling a lifelong passion for physical activity and exercise.

The project also builds for the future in primary education settings through our work with teachers. Each session is attended by a class teacher who therefore receives in situ CPD to increase their knowledge, skills and confidence in teaching PE.  By increasing the skills of teachers, the project aims to leave a legacy of high-quality PE lessons across our community.

Finally, the project offers a range of event activities such as competitions, assemblies, fundraising events and stadium visits to inspire the next generation and create positive feelings around PE and school sport.