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A member of Excalibur Academies Trust

PTA Committee And class reps

The PTA committee is made up of several formal roles that are supported by parents and teachers from across the school to allow us to achieve our objectives.

Your formal PTA committee members are:

  • Frances Leach (Chair)
  • Alex Peacock (Co-chair)
  • Jennifer Bamford (Secretary)
  • Richard Harding / Ashton Chritchlow (Treasurer)
  • Helena McEwan (Social Media Manager)
  • Rachael Lovegrove (Signatory)
  • Kesti Gossling (Signatory)

We also have class reps for each year who lead on sharing information, answering questions and encouraging support for the PTA and our many activities. Class reps for are listed below.

  • Ladybugs (Reception): Helena McEwan
  • Horseshoes (Y1&2): Amy Harding
  • Clovers (Y3&4): Alex Peacock/ Frances Leach
  • Shooting Stars (Y5&6): Rebecca Thurtle